14 October 2014

A Bit of Art and A Soybean Update

Hello Readers!

It has been a few days since I was here last. I don't have a great deal to show for the days passed but here's what I've been working on...

I made a copperwire bird's nest pendant with glass beads. I should have gone to the cutting room and found some oval beads, shaped more like eggs, but these clear glass beads were sitting right beside the desk and they seemed to suffice for the purpose. It was an experiment afterall. I've made other bird's nest pendants but none made in quite the way this one was. And as usual, I didn't save the tutorial and finding it again may be neigh on impossible! 

I did save the tutorial for the little houses I made over the past few days.

Mine were made out of cereal box chipboard. I think one of those boxes was a mac and cheese box.

If you follow the link below the first picture, you will find the template to build these houses. 

These little houses are still in the making. These are made from a box a light bulb came in. The blue ones are backing from a toy airplane package.
To keep the houses together while they dried, I taped the ends with cellophane tape. As of this writing some of them have their roofs, some of them do not. I worked on these yesterday. I had a roaring migraine that came and went all day yesterday so I didn't really get much done on them. They are on my list for today.

I made a couple of owl magnets with zipper parts and tin can lids.

This one still needs some feet and both of them need cleared of the hot glue strings that are always present when you use hot glue on a project. These are both about three inches wide.

This is the big pink basket you saw in the last post. I painted mushrooms on it and then decided

I wanted it to be sparkly so I put glitter all over the mushrooms. I also painted the green with glitter paint so it sparkled as well.

I'm still going through bottles of paint, trying to eliminate the ones that are useless. 

So we have a couple more painted newspapers. These aren't newspaper though. They are brown kraft paper that came in a package I got in the mail a few weeks ago. It was all crumpled up, keeping my things safe. I uncrumpled it and put it to good use! These will become either backgrounds for something or another or they will become little book covers.

I painted a rose on a dictionary page with acrylics.

Another tutorial I forgot to save....a little pink sweater snail that I turned into a magnet.

In the tutorial the snail was supposed to end up being about 10 inches long. Mine is about 4 inches long. To make good snails, I will need to experiment more with this pattern. I just freehanded a pattern in the same shape as the tutorial showed. I need to dig out the wool sweater remnants for the next one so his shell is a bit bigger. Acrylic sweater material is not as thick as wool. His body is made from fleece.

Ma brought me this giant spool of ribbon last week.  There is a lot of ribbon on this spool. 250 yards! It wasn't completely full, but not much was missing when I got it. 

The ribbon is 7/8 inch wide. Perfect for crocheting! I'm in the process of making a tote bag. Will be a few days before it is done. Crocheting hurts my hands something fierce these days. So a little at a time and eventually it will be done!

This is my giant zentangle in progress. It is done on the backside of a poster. I don't remember just what that poster looks like. I've been working on this thing off and on for over a year now. It hangs on the wall in hallway into my spare bathroom. I put a few marks on it every now and then when I think about it. It's done in sharpie markers in various sizes. The poster measures about 3 feet square. My daughter-in-law oohs and ahhs over it everytime she comes to visit so eventually it will be hers. 

That's all for the art this time. As usual, there are other things in the works.

I thought yesterday was the day the soybean field would be cut but they only cut one pass of the combine all around the field yesterday evening. I got pictures but they've not been downloaded yet. I'm assuming that was a test cut to see if the beans were really ready.

8 September 2014

9 September 2014
It was cold and rainy on the ninth.

12 September 2014

Later today I will download the pictures of the combine hard at work and post tomorrow on what's happening with the soybeans. It's almost 11 am and there is no combine out there at the moment. It was almost 6pm when they did the cutting yesterday so who knows what time the cutting will commence again. 

Until then....
Remember to be good to one another!
It matters!

1 comment:

A Mynah Production said...

Ugh! I had a horrible migraine too! I thought that peeps would think I'm crazy for saying that it came, went and returned. I had one that did that most of this past weekend.

You get way more accomplished during a migraine than I do! ...but then again...you're the energizer bunny!

I LOVE those little houses! I think they would be cool with their original advertising on them, as well as Gelli Printed. Great find girl!

Soybeans...a mystery....wish I knew why they let them get brown..I wonder if that's normal? Hmmm, what the hell are they gonna make with these particular beans from this crop?! Sorry....I blabbed....a lot!
