Inside cover
I don't know why blogger has turned some of them sideways. I don't know how to fix that... |
And I may have missed a page or two. Blogger hated the idea of so many pictures at once, I guess.
If you don't see a kitty you sent, you are likely to see it in Volume 2. I will keep you all updated on Volume 2 as well.
Thank you all for contributing. I plan on making a maker's page to include on the inside back cover. I will more than likely add a few small kitties on my final run through after the leather cover is adhered . I have decided it will be made from the orange fake leather that once adorned the dentist's chair.
Stay tuned for another update in the coming days.
And remember...
Be good to one another!
It matters!
OMgorsh! I still haven't sent you a cat! Is there still time?
Lots of time still, Mel! I haven't started adding kitties to Volume 2 yet. Still working on the cover for Volume 1. I'd love to have a kitty or two from you!
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