A Pile of Kittens
Lola is a great mama! They sound like little pigs at a trough when they're nursing.
Soon I'll have a picture of each of them.
They are 12 days old in this picture.
I've been away from the blog for a few days due to being too damned tired to get anything scanned to show for the time that has passed. I really need a helper when it comes to scanning!
I told you all about the visit from the kids but I didn't show off that beautiful little girl they've brought into my life!
She does enjoy the camera! The attention! And look what she gives in return!!!!!
The last time I saw her she wasn't walking and she did not have any teeth at all. Her first birthday is the 13th of August. I can't believe a year has gone by....
Here she is sitting on her great uncle Sam's lap out on the front porch. She loves everyone!
"What is that dog up to?"
She played peek a boo with Fred when we had her out on the porch in her playpen earlier that day. I didn't have the camera out unfortunately so no pictures of that. She just didn't know quite what to think of Fred. She's not afraid of him, just not quite sure...Fred was oblivious to the game of peek a boo but it was quite funny nonetheless. Here she is on the porch with us and Fred is down in the grass with his ball, wanting someone to play. He has Annabel's attention because he is barking.

Annabel is at the wrong heighth to be Fred's friend at the moment. She's eye level with that lethal tail of his! Poor Gavin went through that stage as well. He's now chest level with it! Gavin gets along fine with Fred now that he doesn't get whacked in the face with that tail every now and then.
The kids came on Saturday afternoon, stayed a few hours and went back home. It was really good to see them all.
I have been busy with artwork. I've a few books not picture ready that are finished. I've been covering, experimenting with composition notebooks for the last week or so. I have about 8 little books ready for sewing and a wire sculpture brewing in my head.
Here's a conglomeration of art done since the last post:
20 July 2010
markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day #193
I went on a blind drawing spree....
20 July 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day #194
20 July 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day #195
20 July 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day # 196
In The Land of Tiny Rabbits
19 July 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day #197
Joyce's Credit Card Cat
Chunky Page
23 July 2010
Recycled chipboard base, two layers, scrapbook paper, glitter, the cat is a real credit card with dimensional paint, googly eyes, wire and tigers eye stone on his chest. Danglies are novelty yarn.
Tall White Cat
22 July 2010
markers on recycled cardstock and yellow cotton string, braided
20 July 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day #198
20 July 2010
markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day #199
Mr. Foyard
20 July 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock
Project 365 Day #200
I am now 9 days behind on the 365 project. :(
These were both made at the same time....kinda assembly line style.
Orange and White Kitty
Chunky Pages
Upholstery and drapery fabric samples freehand cut into various shapes, glued down to recycled chipboard. Googly eyes and wire whiskers added. Danglies are a green pipe cleaner and a strand of mardi gras star beads attached with a twist of copper wire. I traded both of these in the Chunky-a-thon last weekend over at AFA.
Life really is good. I've much to be thankful for.
I'm dealing with no energy to get the things done that need to be done. I can do art cause it requires little effort physically. I'm hoping the thyroid surgery will help me feel better....
I'll be back again with more art to share, more life to chat about....You all remember to get your hugs!
what a little cutiep[atootie, aaaw adore her- want to just give her the biggest smooch,a true gift and blessing in your life friend. and as for the art- i LOVE every single one of these, yup I do. am a great fan of your stuff. don't worry about being behind on 365, the fact that you are doing it is what counts. lotsa love and rest when needed, good for you.
um let's try again- cutie patootie
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