06 September 2013

Happy Dance For Me!

Hello Readers!

I got all my envelopes out for the trades made this past weekend. That's not the reason for the happy dance though. I am pleased with the progress made so quickly on getting those trades in the mail. I'm usually a lot slower than this!

My happy dance is because of this:

This is one of the very first fish pictures I ever did. It hung in the gift shop at the Grassroots Art Center in Lucas, KS for almost 2 years. Someone bought it last month! I've sold a few things over the years out of the gift shop in Lucas, but this is the very first LARGE thing I have sold. 
It about knocked my socks off when I opened the check from them the other day and saw how much it was for! 
And then I did another happy dance because of the note attached to the check that said my artwork has been suggested to a lady from the Kansas State Historical Society to be put in a new gift shop they are opening in the Capitol building in Topeka. I've yet to get the call from this lady, but it will come!

I'm working on a couple more paper bowls right now but no pictures to show as of yet. Neither bowl is done yet. There's also another paper stick basket in the works and I'm busy rolling more sticks for a larger basket I've an inkling to try. That one might not work out but I am unafraid to try new things so we'll see what happens.

Today on my agenda was a trip to Hays to buy a new printer/scanner as the old one bit the dust a few weeks ago. We'll get back to decent pictures of ATCs at least.  How I wish someone else had the job of cleaning off the old scanner and installing the new one but it looks like that job will be mine and mine alone.

I was at the convenience store in town earlier today and ran across my friend, Bob on his lunch break. He requested another drawing for his tattoo collection! He wants a puzzle piece with the word Family in the center of it. That's an easy request! Made my day to talk to Bob. Hadn't seen him in a few weeks. Seems I always run across him at the convenience store in town on his lunch break. 

I bought a new wallet while in Hays as the old one's zipper broke and everything kept falling out of it. While cleaning out the old wallet I found a debit card my sister gave me for Christmas. Not sure how much money is on it...will have to check that out but I know I never spent any from it. So I'm guessing there's $20, maybe more! 

I really thought I was rolling in the dough till the guys came to fix my son's windshield and the boy forgot to leave me any money to pay for that. I'm not too worried about it really. I'll get that money back from the boy later this evening when he gets off work and comes to get his car.

I just wanted to crow about selling the fish picture.  Other than that....it's hot as the dickens in my neck of the woods and I'm sticking close to home.

After the trip to Hays this morning, it's a lazy afternoon now.
I leave you with some critters doing what these critters do best.
Murray was on the shelf first and Tippy's worming her way in to lay in front of the window too.

Be good to one another!
It matters!

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