I thought this would wait till after my nap but apparently not. I haven't actually taken stock of all the art made this weekend. There's a boatload of it!!!!!! I worked in my altered book on Sunday afternoon as well. Added some elements to it. Very few people have actually seen the beginnings of the altered book so don't feel left out that there is not a single picture on this blog of my altered book. And until it is done, there probably won't be!
But we do have lots of other things to look at!
24 June 2010
Magazine images on a recycled greeting card base. 6x4 inches.
Polymer Clay Beads
These were tinted with acrylic paint before being formed and baked.
Yellow and Purple
Chunky Page
24 June 2010
This was another of my Oops! Projects. I had made the front side of this chunky page ages ago. It sat in the basket on the shelf and lingered there. I'd pick it up occasionally and wonder the hell to put on as danglies and just what the devil was I going to do to the back of it? The colors are what threw me. Yellow and purple things are hardest things to come by! I have others to thank for the finishing touches to this chunky.
The base is a recycled food box, two layers glued together. Gesso, irredescent glitter, purple netting, yellow glass paint, gold jump rings held onto the base with purple and blue glass paint. I wanted the glass paint to fill the jump rings so they looked kinda like bubbles. That didn't happen. But the effect is still pretty cool. There are also twine strings and purple eyelash yarn on the background. The fish is recycled food box painted with gesso and dusted with irredescent glitter and googly eye slapped on his head. One of my art buddies sent me the purple novelty yarn, the yellow crochet cotton came from my sister, Kathy and the purple quartz bead came from my sister Jeanny. I had a lot of comments on my fishy page but it's not going anywhere yet.
Must be Karma.
24 June 2010
There's those monkeys from the recycling magazine again. The woven text behind them came from an old novel. It is quite brittle and OLD. I wove it together. The blue is from that Smithsonian reply card and the text came from a magazine but I can't tell you which one. Maxim, I think.
We've got you covered
24 June 2010
The base of this one is a cereal box. Frosted Shredded Wheat Bites I think. Part of the base shows above the man's head. All the images are from these magazines: Packaging Today, Antiques, and Recycling Today
I Ain't Seen Your Damn Fish, Man!
24 June 2010
I'm not sure who this fella is. He's a famous football player but I can't think of his name. He was holding that fish a little differently when I found him in the Maxim magazine, the little black and white text at the right hand edge says "What? I ain't seen your damn fish, man!" I thought it was hilarious! The pictures behind man and fish come from an Interview magazine and Recycling Today. Those are crushed cars to his right and the blue BE SMOOTH background is from a Kool Cigarette ad. I thought they made the tobacco companies stop advertising in magazines but the Interview magazine this ad came from is only a couple years old. This is one of my favorite postcards!
Here's What You Get
Base is recycled food box. Most of these images came from a 1979 Good Housekeeping magazine. The text is from various sources.
Cat-Turtle and Friend
Markers on recycled cardstock. For the Scavenger Hunt...illustrate a creature that is a combination of two creatures. I added the mouse cause a cat that is half turtle needs a friend and mice are brave little critters!
Tree House
Markers on recycled cardstock. Another point for the Scavenger Hunt.

Door Mouse and Nuts
Markers on recycled cardstock.
Underwater with The Trout
Etching on Glass
27 June 2010
It had been awhile since I did any etching on glass. I forgot how soothing the sound of the electric engraving tool can be! I scanned it upside, sorry. The burgandy color you see is a piece of cardstock behind the glass so you can see the etching better. The glass is clear. I'm going to, somehow, attach this to the wooden fence by the goldfish pond out front. It's done on a quarter inch sheet of plate glass and is about 6 x 9 inches or so. I need to put another etching on my van. There's an elephant on one of the back side windows on the passenger's side right now. Now that I have warmed up the engraving tool, I must get outside and get busy on that!
Kitten in a Teacup
27 June 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock.
Beaded Wire Spider
I think I showed you guys this one in the last post. Glass seed and bugle beads, a wooden bead and copper wire.
Ninja Butler
Art Doll
Cardstock colored black with sharpie, a man's head out of the Recycling Today magazine colored over with sharpie, copper colored brads and three silver sequins for his throwing stars! He's about 8 inches tall.
Cherry Cupcake
Base is recycled cardstock. Same stuff I use for ATCs all the time. The blue is the backside of the cardstock, green paper came from that robbed book, the cupcake is red glittered velvet christmas ribbon, frosting is a red paper napkin, the cherry is from a tag from a new shirt. That woven stuff is natural material and gold threads...my sister Kathy gave me a boatload of it. Not sure what it's intented to be used for but I've used it a few times in making art. The cherry string is piece of twine with a knot tied in the end of it and colored along the top edge with a red sharpie.
Tree of Life Pendant
27 June 2010
Gold colored wire and guitar string make up this one. It's about 2 1/2 inches across.
Pink Elephant Dream
27 June 2010
The item on the scavenger hunt list that inspired this one was to illustrate a dream. I used to take drugs for a neurological problem and those pills gave me vivid and wild dreams all the time! The pink elephant made an appearance in my dreams at that time frequently. I haven't seen him in my dreams since I stopped taking those pills. He's headed to Singapore along with 13 other ATCs. I made a 14/14 ATC trade on Sunday!
Self Portrait
27 June 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock. I sure hope I look better than this in person!
27 June 2010
recycled greeting card folded from instructions found on youtube. The polymer clay beads in the picture above are sitting in the lid of this box. the box measures about 2 inches square and 3/4 of an inch tall.
The Sleeping Chair
27 June 2010
Markers on recycled cardstock.
Stamped Butterflies
Base is recycled cardstock, then a layer of yellow tissue paper, fabric leaves, another layer of yellow tissue paper, leaves stamped with acrylic paint, butterflies stamped on yellow tissue paper, colored with markers and adhered with pvc glue.
The Backyard Swing
Markers on recycled cardstock.
Magic Light
24 June 2010
Collage- Base is recycled cardstock. The text came from a 1968 Gardening magazine along with the round picture in the back. The man and his yellow pole came out of a catalog selling industrial absorbants. That yellow pole reminded me of a lamp I'd seen once. I really don't know where the words for found poetry works come from.... I sift through a pile of random words I've saved in my forays into distruction of reading materials and then when I find something that says, "keep me" I go look through my piles of images for something to go with the words. Sometimes they don't make any more sense to me than they do to you! It's all in the eye of the beholder!
Andy Warhol says not to worry about if what you're making is great art. Let other people decide that and while they're busy arguing about it, make more art! So that's what I do!
ArtFest has now ended. Time for me to get some sleep. Nighty night....and it's 7:30 in the morning.....
Get some hugs. Give some hugs.
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