The ariel view of the old fort below was also done in sharpies on posterboard. I did this one last week sometime. I don't remember exactly which day it was done. It is an ATC also. All these are ATCs. I'm still waiting for someone to claim this one as their own.
The black and white one with the silly looking birds is one my sister Susan and I collaberated on at coffee one morning. I told you all about that morning already but I didn't have the cards we did that morning scanned when I told you about the experience. And The Sheep Went Mad was a fun card! I won't be trading it!
I'm not sure Lookin' Out is quality art so I'm not trading it either. Though I may change my mind about that some day.
I have little to talk about this morning. I've been up all night. I drew the two ATCs that start off this entry during the wee hours of the morning. I talked to sister Jeanny on the telephone for over an hour yesterday afternoon and again early last night. She got me a tube of white acrylic paint that I needed badly. She has a Hobby Lobby in her town. I don't. I don't have one any closer than hers is to me and that's over 160 miles away. It was the easiest way to get a tube of white acrylic paint. She's sending me a care package! I love getting care packages!!!! LOVE IT! I've no idea just what, besides the white paint, is really in that nice size box she described to me. She was wondering what happens if I get a package that won't fit in my mailbox. When that happens, Ruth, the mail lady, pulls into my driveway and honks her horn so I'll come out to get it. If I don't come get it she'll try again the next day and if I still don't come out to get it, she leaves at the post office and I have to go to town to fetch it myself. I'm pretty sure Jeanny's box will fit in my mailbox though! I can't wait for it to get here. She said she would mail it on Monday so it should be here by Tuesday.
I'm fixing to go to bed here pretty quick. I've been up since 4 a.m. yesterday. It's now almost 6a.m. today. My old eyeballs are dragging not to mention the rest of me! I might read some if I can't get to sleep. Obviously that's the reason I've been up for better than 24 hours to begin with! Sometimes happens. I just can't sleep and other times I can't wake up. It is a vicious cycle!
There is art on the agenda when I get up later. I have cat pages to finish to get one more Christmas gift done. Twenty of those little suckers! Then I have to bind the book as well. It won't get finished later when I get up. It's gonna take a few days of working on it.
I'll be back probably tomorrow night and yak at you all again.
Have a fantastic Sunday and a great start to your week!
1 comment:
Hi Donna,
I used to enjoy painting too, ages ago, when there weren't so many things in life bothering and bugging me, like bills, deadlines, mortgages, etc.
Unfortunately, I just couldn't locate where I kept my paintings.
My favorite medium: pencil (black - the HB, 2B, 3B, 6B, so forth) and water color :)
How I wish I could have one whole week to just do nothing but paint and draw :D
Have a great rest and superb week!
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