29 December 2008
Egg Sandwiches, Paperwork and A Beautiful Day
I had company for lunch. My sister Susan showed up unexpectedly around 3 this afternoon. She's feeling a bit lost these days. Her husband passed away back in April and she's feeling the solitude these days much more than usual. She mentioned she was going to go to town for groceries cause she was hungry. I was hungry too so I invited her to stay for an egg sandwich and bit more conversation.
After we devoured our sandwiches she sat in the overstuffed chair in the livingroom with Doob on her lap. Doob isn't a social butterfly by any means! Most folks don't even know I have that third cat cause she hides in the bedroom when people come along. Doob likes Susan though and she didn't hestitate to climb right up in her lap and settle in for a good petting and some easedropping on our conversation. We didn't really talk about much of anything. Susan says Ma is feeling better today. She was sick the day before yesterday with a stomach bug of some sort. I saw Ma the day before yesterday when she came over with Monte and Elaine for them to unload their trailer full of their stuff that they are storing in my burned house until their new house is ready for them in P-burg. She seemed fine then. Susan tells me Linda was sick that day as well. They must of eaten something somewhere that didn't agree with them. It's good that Ma is feeling better though. She's not a spring chicken anymore even if she thinks she is!
I have paperwork that needs to be taken to Pburg in the moring. It was actually supposed to be there today but the bank has to fill out some paperwork that goes with my paperwork and they couldn't get it done till in the morning. So the folks in Pburg are just going to have to wait for it till then. One would think I would have had all that paperwork ready cause every January it is due again. I lollagagged around and didn't get all the stuff together that I needed to get together in time to have it back to them when they wanted it. I don't think one day is going to make a lot of difference in the outcome of it all though. Last December I was over a week late in getting the paperwork in. I had documents to copy for this paperwork and my copier ran out of ink before I was done doing that so I'll have to finish that up in the morning as well.
Fred has been outside most of the day and I've had both the front door and the back door standing wide open! It was almost 60 degrees outside today. The house needed a good airing out and it was a perfect day for it. Now that the sun is on its descent for the day, the temps are dropping and both the doors have been closed. I haven't been outside yet today.
Later...in about an hour I'll be headed to town to sit with the girls for the evening. That will be fun. It always is. Allison didn't call to say she wanted me to bring some art stuff along so I'll leave it at home tonight. I don't really feel like doing anything arty tonight anyway. I finished up one of the little books I've been working on and the other is all but done...just waiting on the glue to dry so I can bind it. Those need to go in the mail tomorrow along with three sets of chunky pages. I hope the trees and the snowmen (especially) make it to their destinations on time. The Star Trek pages aren't really on a schedule...they shoud have been mailed weeks ago! The girl getting them will be happy to see them finally arrive in her mail box.
I've been very unorganized here of late with mail art. I can't seem to get back into the flow of things where it is concerned. I have a couple of altered envelopes that need to be done and mailed off as well. Didn't even realize I owed them till I went through my stack of index cards yesterday and found it there. Those won't take anytime to do though and they too will go in the mail in the morning. Maybe I should take those to town with me tonight and do them while watching TV with the girls.
All in all it has been a fantastic day despite the fact that I didn't hit the sheets till 6:30 this morning! I stayed up all night playing games on this wretched machine. I got up at 1:30 this afternoon and have been on the go since then!
I shall talk to you all again tomorrow or the next day....
You all have a marvelous Monday evening and make sure you get your hugs for the day! I'll be collecting mine in about an hour! :)
27 December 2008
Saturday Morning...early
My house was full of little boys on Christmas Day. Between the four boys, 12 adults and that silly Fred dog, there was little room for moving about easily. A good time was had by all though! Christmas Dinner was had next door at Susan's house. We all traipsed to my house to open presents here after dinner. Before dinner we all went to Ma's house to open presents there. And right after dinner at Susan's we opened presents there as well. I won't go into detail as to all the presents I got. My people really love me! I always get more presents than anyone else. I think that is cause I am so easy please. Not cause I'm so loveable, though I am loveable too.:)
I'm drinking coffee out of one of my favorite gifts right now. It's a very large black mug with pretty gold swirls around the rim of the mug. It came with a saucer as well. RJ and Terah gave it to me. RW and Lou gave me a Crop-a-dile that I absolutely LOVE! It's a very useful tool for making little books. It will help me greatly in my art endeavors. Ma gave me many presents (she does every year for all her children-she has 9 of them!). I like the silver bracelet and the antique elephant match holder very much. My sister Susan gave me a mechanical antique elephant bank that is just too cool! It works for me in two areas! I collect both elephants and coin banks. She also gave me lots of other things as well. Sister Linda gave me an incense burner kit that consists of a tiny ceramic elephant to hold the stick incenses. I love it~!
Fred got a BIG beef knuckle bone from RJ and Terah. He got to play with RW and Lou's boys all day Christmas Day. He was a happy camper.
I am in need of a new keyboard! This one refuses to type right. The keys keep sticking and I have to keep backspacing to get all the letters to show up. Thss hat it looks like fI don't backspace occasionall. That is kind of hard to read~!
I have mail to prepare for mailing and beings this keyboard is beinga bear even after I've banged it on thedesktop to clear it out, I'm going to leave ou all now with hopes for a splendid Saturday!
23 December 2008
Donna Has Learned a Thing or Two Tonight!
I'm trying to add a link back to Jesse's blog for the award he gave me. It can't be done as far as I can tell. I'm sure it's got nothing to do with this wretched machine and everything to do with my technological difeciencies!
Thanks for the award, Jesse and as soon as I figure out those danged links...I'll add the pictures of the awards and link back to you, my friend! Bear with me, please.
It has been a learning day for sure! I did figure out how to add a list to the blog sidebar. Yeah! That surprised me to no end that it actually worked. This PC and me, we don't always see eye to eye. This wretched machine makes things so very difficult sometimes. I guess I shouldn't have wanted more than one gadget this evening... Check out all the books I've read thus far this year. I might get one more added to the list... all depends on how crazy it gets around here between now and the 31st.
I went to the bowling alley this evening with the girls and their mama and papa. I can't bowl. For various reasons I can't bowl.
1. I can't pick up a bowling ball and actually toss it down the lane for one. It's physically impossible for me to do that without hurting myself quite badly.
2. Even when I could pick up a bowling ball and toss it down the alley, I couldn't hit the pins at the end of the lane in a consistent manner. I hated bowling then cause I was no good at it and I doubt I would be any better at it now even if I could attempt it.
3. Bowling balls are only good for yard art in my experience with dealing effectively with the damn things. (Though they do come in many lovely colors... the better which to adorn your yard!)
I had a good time at the bowling alley despite the fact I don't bowl. It's not really a spectator sport unless spectators make it so. I tried my best to enjoy the view. I did laugh a time or two so it wasn't so very dull at all. Strikes bring out the animal in some people. I saw chicken dances, heard whoops of joy and saw terrible faces made when a ball didn't go quite where the thrower had intended. I did have a good time!
I didn't really sit with the girls...again someone forgot to call me and tell me the plans had changed. Had I known the girls were going to the bowling alley tonight I wouldn't have bothered to get dressed and go to town. I could have gone to Hays with RJ earlier today. I'm not really complaining ... I just wish I weren't so forgettable when it comes to changed plans, that I am a part of, and no one bothers to tell me the plans have changed. It's kinda rude. It hurts my feelings cause I am sure I should be thought much higher of. It wasn't all lost though. I made the best of the situation and I got supper for my trouble of getting out in the cold. It was only 11 degrees F when I left the house at 6:15 p.m. The meatloaf was good. I can't make a meatloaf to save my soul so I never pass it up from someone who does know how to make a decent one. There were green beans and mac and cheese to go with it too. Green beans are my favorite veggie next to brussel sprouts.
I'll be heading back to town tomorrow evening to deliver presents to them all. I don't know why this is such a sore spot for me, but it is. There are four of them. I give EACH of them a gift every Christmas. Four gifts carefully thought out and given with love. I get one gift and its chosen by only one of them. Should I feel let down about that? It's the same way with Birthdays... I give each of them a birthday present every year and I only get one present on my birthday. They have all been known to forget my birthday and run out and get me something cause they think it is necessary. I don't know... I probably make more of it than I should. The only time I really think about this is this time of year. It's when I'm wrapping four presents knowing I'm only going to be unwrapping one, I guess? I don't know. I just know it doesn't sit right with me. I also know how selfish it sounds and I don't want you all to think I'm just in it for the pressies. I'm not. It goes a lot deeper than just Christmas gifts... I feel I give more to this friendship sometimes than I get out of it. I love these people. I have loved them since I first met them. They have many good qualities and their gift giving regime is the only thing that really bothers me where they are concerned. Well, that and they forget to tell me when plans have changed. That doesn't bother me near as much as the present thing though. I just don't know. I'm not going to worry about it, not today.
I did get my present from the lady of the house. She's the one who chooses the presents. It's a nice thoughtful gift. Now all I need is someone to rub that foot lotion on my feet after I use the foot soak and the scrubber stuff that came with it! I can't easily reach my own feet because of my back right now. I play hell putting on my socks everyday! I also got a new bath poofy, two small candles in a nice little tin and a great big hot chocolate mug. I'm gonna use the mug on my painting table for some utensils that won't fit easily in my brush caddy.
I still have to wrap their presents. I do hope they like what they're getting. I give to them because I do love them, not because I want lots of presents for myself. I got more stuff now than one person really needs. I'll get a 'Merry Christmas' from each of them and that will be enough. I'm only human and we humans have a few failings. One of mine is that I get to feeling sorry for myself sometimes and I try to blame that on others when in reality I am the only who can change any situation in my own life.
I have to go to bed. It's a quarter to two in the morning and Christmas is the day after tomorrow. You all wouldn't believe all that I still must accomplish before then! I won't go into detail cause that would just take away from my beauty sleep! So....
Go get yourself a hug or two ( I got two of them today! :) Nice tight hugs, full of feeling!). I shall come yak at you all probably the day after Christmas. I'm gonna be way too busy till after then to get back in here to talk to you good people.
Merry Christmas and God Bless you all!
19 December 2008
And Now it's Friday

17 December 2008
Wednesday's Ramblings
It's cold in the land of Kansas! My weather guru....a.k.a. Ma.....says it is supposed to get down to -10F either tonight or tomorrow night. Brrrrrr~!
Water has been restored. I was without it for almost four days! The water pipes froze up and it took forever to get the water flowing again! I've left the space heater on under the house to prevent another freezing of the pipes. The kitchen was a harzardous zone what with all the dirty dishes sitting around for four days. I was somewhat of a hazardous zone too without a shower for two days running. All that and more has been remedied with Ma's help. Laundry is now washing and a shower is in my very near future!
RJ did his best to get the water flowing again. He worked out in the cold, under the house putting the insulation back up that the plumber didn't bother to do even though he said he'd be back the next day to do. That was a couple months ago when we weren't worried about the pipes freezing up and didn't really give it another thought until there was no water coming out of the faucets. It was one of those "OMG we forgot to fix the insulation! No wonder we've no water!" kinda moments. Had the pipes burst from freezing, the plumber would have gotten a call and I'd have had some free fixing of my pipes cause it would have been his fault cause he didn't put the insulation back where he found it when he checked for the water leak. He didn't even find the cause of the water leak. RJ did. RJ fixed it too. But all is alright cause the water pipes didn't burst, thankfully! What a mess that would have been! RJ put heat tape and foam insulating rods on all the pipes under the house and I do believe the problem is now solved.
The Christmas tree is up and all decorated as of tonight. It's been up and with most of the decorations on it since Friday. Brenton and I put more little red balls on it the day before yesterday and then tonight Ma and I put the rest of the little red balls on it and a hundred plastic ice cicles as well. It looks really pretty! Now all that's left to do with it is go out to the shed and retrieve the angel that's sitting on top of a box in the west room out there.
We have snow on the ground. (And everything else as well.) It was so pretty Tuesday morning when the sun came up. The snow was pristine...not a mark in it till I let Fred out for his morning constitutional and he tracked all over the field between my house and Susan's. It snowed roughly two inches...not sure what the official amount was...I'm just going by what I saw out there...eyeballing it if you will. Wasn't a whole lot of snow but enough to let one know it did indeed do so! I really wish the camera was working! I'd love to show you all pictures of my space on this giant ball we call home. It has been bitterly cold since Saturday. And it doesn't appear as if the warmth of summer is going to return anytime soon either! I prefer the warmth of summer over the cold of winter. The older I get, the worse winter is to endure for this old body of mine!
And speaking of that... my back and hip are still bothering me. Not as badly. I haven't found my cane but it's OK cause I haven't really needed it too badly in the last few days. I sleep alot-which isn't really anything unusal for me-but I really wish I could change around the nights and days again. I'm up all night, sleep all day. Like a danged bear hibernating. I haven't been in my van to go anywhere since Friday. It's still sitting out by the backdoor instead of out front in the driveway where it should be. I've not needed to go anywhere since Friday. There was no sitting with the girls on Monday cause they had a ballgame over in Logan. I was asked if I'd like to go to Logan but no one called me on Monday to arrange if I was gonna go or not, so I didn't go. It's probably best I didn't go cause sitting on those bleachers would have done my back absolutely no good at all and I'd hurt worse than I do already.
I have had lots of company even though I haven't gone out to see anyone. Ma comes most days just to make sure I'm still alive and kicking and to see if I need anything. RJ was here four days in a row. Three of them to try to get water restored. Terah came with him one of those days and Brenton came with him another of those days.
It is official!!! I am going to be a grandma! The baby is due on the 4th of July. There is a possibility Terah could have twins. That is just a guess though... that's not official. I say there is a possibility because twins do run in RJ's father's family. RJ's grandma is a twin and there are other twins from his dad's side of the family. We will just have to wait and see on that. It is good news! Doc says all should go well. Brenton tells me he wants a little sister. I'm hoping for him a little sister as well.
I did something last night that I haven't actively done since 19 August 1999. I chewed off a fingernail. Some would say, well that's not such a big deal. But to me, it is a big deal! It means my life is way too full of stress at the moment! I used to chew those things down to nubs. If you're wondering how I can remember the exact date that I stopped doing that, it is because of the circumstances that led to stopping that habit. And that's what it is. A habit. I won't be chewing off anymore of them though cause I'm aware I did it and I don't like one little bit how that particular finger now appears compared to the rest of them! It's an ugly thing now. It will grow back though in due time. What I should do is clip the rest of them quite short so they all grow back at the same rate instead of having that short one and the rest of them long. I'll think on that and perhaps that is exactly what I will do.
I've been busy with artwork at night. What else is there to do when you've no water and everyone else is asleep, snug in their beds? It keeps me out of trouble so it's all good. Well, the artwork isn't all good but the time is well spent. I made four ATCs, two Chunky pages and finished two little books last night. I did some cleaning in the deskroom the night before last and spent hours playing word racer on yahoo games. I made 17 little books (we are talking tiny books here) on Sunday evening. Time goes by too fast somedays and I haven't a clue what I've done for the days not accounted for here. Surely it wasn't anything too awfully productive... I did read in my book one night this week. A book called The Shelters of Stone by Jean M. Auel. Fourth in a series of five. I won't start The Plains of Passage till after Christmas has come and gone.
Tomorrow I have got to get busy and make cookies. First I have to fire up that van and head to town for the ingredients I will need to make cookies. Ma said she'd come over and help me make cookies if I wanted her to. I like to bake cookies so I think I'll just make it a solo endeavor.
While cookies are making I'll be wrapping presents as well. They are strung out all over my bedroom still.
I'll be scanning all the pages and ATCs I've made over the last week here later this evening. I'll show you what's come out of the muse tomorrow...or maybe later after the scanning gets done.
Right now though... I need to get busy.
You all have a fantastic Thursday. Get you some holiday hugs. Give more than you take! I shall yak at you another day!
13 December 2008
Picture Saturday
Kiss Me Quick- done in graphite pencil on watercolor paper. I've been told this looks like Ben Stiller. It very well could be him. I'm not familiar with the man myself but I found the photograph this is drawn from in a magazine. I paid no attention to who it was though. ATC
Goliath Beetle done in fine point Sharpie on cardstock. ATC
10 December 2008
Naveen Andrews in Pencil and A Lost Post
There is Naveen Andrews at the beginning of the post. I tried to show you that pencil drawing yesterday but you already know the story of why that didn't happen. This drawing used to be about 5 by 9 inches or so...I cut it down to ATC size a few months ago and traded it off for another ATC. I like to do pencil drawings of people but I know there is a lot of room for improvement in my portraits of others as well.
I'll be painting later this afternoon. I have another book to finish as well. Just need to punch holes in the blank paper that will be the body of the book and then bind it. The covers are already done.
I have been dog sitting for Pug since yesterday. Her people went off to Hutchinson and they asked me to keep an eye on her. She's a good little dog and she isn't a bit of trouble. Though she did do her business on the livingroom carpet in SIX different spots yesterday when I left her and Fred home alone, inside the house for four hours. I let them both out to do their business before I left them in the house for that long. And come to think of it... they really weren't in the house for that long...It was cold and windy out yesterday and that is why I made them stay in. Fred opened the backdoor sometime while I was gone and they both got out. It was cold as all get out in the house, the furnace running at top speed. I had said to my traveling companion that I hoped the stupid Fred dog hadn't opened that back door. He knows how to do it! He's done it before. And low and behold...that door was indeed standing wide open when we pulled into the drive. And there was Pug at the backdoor and Fred barking his fool head off, running towards the car as though he were happy as could be to be seeing us again! So I had messes to pick up when I got home from my travels.
It isn't nearly as cold out today. There was snow on the ground when I got up yesterday morning and the wind blew like crazy all day and night. No snow out there now and it's quite sunny and warm. The dogs both just came in from being outside for over two hours. Both of them asleep on the sofa as I speak! I need to walk over to the mailbox across the highway sometime today. My hip is killing me still. It's my sciatic nerve that is causing all this pain and making it so difficult to walk about. I'm unsure just what to do to make this pain go away. Pain meds don't help much. Sitting isn't good. Standing isn't good. Walking is really not good. Laying down isn't good. If I had wings to fly, that might work! I'm dealing with it as best I can.
The fibro is in an uproar as well and it isn't only my hip that is painful today. My arms hurt like crazy as well. Least I don't have a headache...yet. That could change at any moment. Fibro is a very odd disease. The symptoms change from one moment to another sometimes. I will have pain in one spot and the next moment it will be another spot and the first spot is no longer painful. The sciatic nerve pain is a constant though and it's got to be checked out by a doctor soon. I tried to find my cane yesterday. I thought it was hanging on the inside doorknob of the deskroom door but it's not there. I looked in the closet in the spare room, in the closet in my room. I don't know where it could be. I sometimes need it and now is one of those times! I'll keep hunting for it.
I don't really have anything especially entertaining to talk about today so I'll leave you now with hopes that your day is a good one filled with love!
04 December 2008
No News Is Good News, Fowl Play at the Convience Store and I'm Tired
My back is still giving me trouble but it is much better.
No news is good news cause sometimes that's just how it works out. I expected a call from a friend, but I never got a call. There was no indication a call was forthcoming, I just thought it might be...all is well on that front though as far as I know. I won't lose any sleep over it but I do wish the friend would at least call and let me know all is well.
Fowl play at the convience store? Strangest thing I've seen in a long time! I pulled into 1st Stop this afternoon and to my suprise and the suprise of my passengers, there in the parking lot was a little black hen walking around like she owned the place. I went inside to make my purchases and said to the girl behind the counter, "Did you know you have a chicken running around in the parking lot?" She says, "That's our store mascot. Someone dumped her off here about nine months ago. We feed her everyday." Then she handed my son a handful of catfood and told him to toss it down on the sidewalk out front and the hen would help herself. I've been in that store at least once a week all year long and I don't recall there ever being a chicken around anytime I was there. This store is in the middle of town, right on the highway. Granted, Stockton ain't a very big town, but still. A chicken as a store mascot? And she eats catfood? Strange, strange, strange! She is a pretty little hen, seemed to be quite content. I wonder though, where does she stay when the weather gets nasty? Cold? They don't appear to have a shelter of anykind for her but there are some rather large evergreen trees out behind the store so perhaps she roosts there? I really don't know. It was quite a sight to me to find a banty hen running around the parking lot this afternoon. I will now look for her everytime I go there.
I'm tired cause I didn't go to bed till 5:30 this morning cause I stayed up all night finishing book number three in the Earth's Childrens Series by Jean M. Auel. The Mammoth Hunters was an excellent book! At a little after 8 Evelyn came over and hollered for Fred to come get his dog biscuit like she does every morning and woke me up when she opened up the front door hollering, "Freddy! Freddy! Come get your bone!" Freddy was fast asleep on the floor in my bedroom at the time. Then at around 8:30 RJ showed and barged through the front door waking me up again. It is now 2 p.m. and I'm running on about 2.5 hrs of sleep.
I am going to take a nap and then finish the laundry I started yesterday. Only one more load to go! Yeah! Then I am going to start the fourth book of the series--Shelters of Stone. I have not read all that one. The previous three I had read years ago but they were still like new books, especially The Mammoth Hunters. There are five books in the series.
I just wanted to tell you all about the chicken in the convience store parking lot. How many convience stores have a chicken running around in the parking lot, I wonder? Not many, I'm betting! Leave it to the Stockonites!!!
I have to make a few little books later today as well. Christmas is approaching fast! I need to go through the mounds in the closet and see what I have and what I need for gifts this year. Two bowls are painted sans their decorations and one is still naked. I did make seven gifts the other day so that's done. I need to go out to the closeline and snag some clothespins off it to make a few more of those things to have enough for everyone I want to give one to. I also have a chunky book to finish putting together, but that can wait a couple days or so. I'll need it on Monday to give to Allison so she can give it to her mama for Christmas. She did most of the artwork in that little book.
I got another message in a bottle in the mail the other day. Filled to the brim with art goodies. Also contained in that water bottle was a very nice ATC! Good things do come in my mailbox! I'm still waiting on some things from Finland though...I thing the post office is holding them hostage somewhere along their route. It has been a couple months since they should have been sent. I need to check on them with the girl they are coming from. I hate it when mailart goes missing! Luckily I have only had that happen to one envelope that I sent out into the hands of the postal system. I'm still wondering, after almost six months where the devil those three ATCs have landed. They sure didn't make it to Wisconsin!
I have five things ready to be mailed to various parts of the world. Three postcards and two letters with ATCs inside the envies. One of them should have been mailed the week of Thanksgiving but the van wasn't working then and I had no easy way to get to town to mail any of those. Tomorrow I will make a trip to the post office and remedy that situation.
I got my first Christmas card from a real person today. I hadn't heard from my friend Cherri for a long time! She never forgets me at Christmas though. Never! I got a Christmas card from a corporation last week but I don't count them. They aren't very personal. Day before yesterday I got a postcard from South Africa. I'm hoping to get a lot of postcards this coming year from all over the world! I'll be sending them far and near as well.
Alrighty! I'm done yakking at you all for the time being! I need some sleep. A nap is in order!
You all have a fantastic Thursday and keep smiling at all you meet today. Get you some hugs from those you love! I got mine for the day! :)
01 December 2008
Actually I hurt like a big dog today! My back feels like it's been kicked by a mule! I know what it feels like to be kicked by a mule and that is what my back feels like right above my right hip. I've no idea what the devil I did to it. It's been this way since Friday. That is part of the reason I haven't been here to talk to you good people! I couldn't sit in my chair in front of this wretched machine. I didn't get much of anything done in the last three days. Read a lot. That's about it. Layed around and read my book. Read two books. Finished Clan of the Cave Bear and immediately picked up Valley of Horses. I finished it yesterday morning and I'm fixing to read the next one in the series...The Mammoth Hunters. I have read all three of these books previously but it's been years since that happened. The last two in the series- Shelters of Stone and The Plains of Passage will be totally new to me. Be forewarned that when that reading commenses...I will not be here to talk to you all for a few days.
Jesse gave me a couple of awards the other day. Thank you, Jesse. Now if I could figure out how to put them up here and link back to who needs to be linked back to I'd be doing great! I really don't know how to do either of those things though. Perhaps one of you could enlighten me?
Thanksgiving was a stellar day! We all stayed close to home. We had turkey and dressing, no mashed potatoes or gravy cause no one made any. We also had shepard's pie and a beef pot pie that sister Susan made. It was all yummy! Ma baked the turkey and dressing cause she says it just isn't Thanksgiving without it. There were lots of desserts as well. I made peach jello with peaches, peanut butter cookies and a walnut chocolate cake. The guinea pigs approved whole heartedly about that cake. There was also pumpkin crisp, apple pie and pumpkin pie to be had. I'm still eating on the peanut butter cookies and the walnut cake. Which is fine with me. That cake went wonderful with coffee this morning!
Fred pigged out on scrappings from out plates and the turkey bones. He's a happy canine. Scooter got a few scraps as well and he too is a happy little canine. The felines weren't so lucky. They got no scraps. Just because they did not need any scraps.
My scanner has gone wacko. I tried to scan some artwork earlier today but something went wrong and I now have the remnants of the window that opens to control the scanner still sitting at the bottom of the screen, along with two other windows that pop up to tell me I have emails coming in for MSN and Yahoo. I've no idea how to get rid of them. Will have to talk to Terah about that.
Good news!!!!! My van is now fixed and operational. It needed a new alternator. YEAH! Now I can go wherever I want and not have to ask anyone to take me there. The van has been fixed for two days now and I've not gone anywhere. I will be going this evening though. Going to town to sit with the girls. I don't think there are any games of anykind tonight so I won't be missing out on that.
It doesn't seem possible December has already rolled around again! Am I ready for Christmas, you ask? No. Not anywhere near ready actually. I'll be staying up late tonight to work on some little books and those bowls that have to be finished.
Looks as though I'm back in the swing of things for the time being. I shall show you all some artwork again when I get that scanner working. Until then...
Be good to one another. Smile. And go get yourself some hugs!
26 November 2008
James Lipton's Ten
I liked the list and decided to add it to my own. Thanks to both of you!
1. What is your favorite word? Love
2. What is your least favorite word? Any word associated with taking the Lord's name in vain. God is for the good, His name shouldn't be taken in vain.
3. What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? Many different things. Sunshine. Laughter. Tears. Sudden down bursts of rain. Lightning. Friends. Family. The list literally goes on and on!
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually, or emotionally? Lack of sleep. Sadness. Loneliness.
5. What sound or noise do you love? A cat purring.
6. What sound or noise do you hate? Yelling in anger directed at another person. Especially though if it is directed at me.
7. What is your favorite curse word? Hell
8. What profession other than your own, would you like to attempt? veterinarian
9. What profession would you not like to do? septic tank cleaner
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Welcome home!
Sleep, A Pink Bird, Money Trees and Star Trek
Here is the artwork promised though...take a peek at what I have been up to. I have done more Chunky pages and another ATC since the last post and I'll show you those in my next post. Nothing spectacular, though I rather like the ATC I made yesterday.
Next we have the trees made for the Chunky Page Tree Swap. I made seven of them but I'll only be sending six of them. The other one will go into my own Tree Chunky Book once I get enough trees to assemble a book.
All of these are made pretty much the same. Various papers for the backgrounds, most of the green for the grass under the trees came a veggie catalog or magazine. The 'leaves' on all the trees is shredded US Currency that my 5 yr old grandson, Brenton, gave me this past spring from a field trip to the Dane Hansen Musuem over in Logan. The tree trunks are free hand cut from various brown papers. There is wallpaper, packing paper and cardstock among them. Each of the pages has the brown fibers and some multicolored fibers sandwiched between the fronts and the backs. Each page also has a glass leaf tied onto the end of one of the fibers. I didn't scan the backsides. They just have green backgrounds with a fabric leaf and green label with my info on it on the back. Nothing exciting! These will be sent to the host of the swap and will be divvied up among the players. I will get six pages back from six different artists who also participated in the swap.

I wish I knew how to make that scanner take only a scan of the item on the scanner bed instead of all that dead space around them each. Perhaps someday I will figure that all out. Until then, we'll just have to deal with these not-so-good scans.
The only way I know today is Wednesday is that the calendar on this machine tells me it is. On the agenda this morning is a marathon baking excursion. I have peanut butter cookies, chocolate cake and peach jello salad to make. Yes, I know peach jello salad doesn't get baked! lol Tomorrow is Turkey Day and all these things must be done before then. The cake will actually be cupcakes I think. I haven't yet decided on that.
24 November 2008
Ramblings and Old Artwork
It has been an excellent Sunday. The weather was nice, my son came to visit, I talked to Ma on the telephone earlier this evening and I saw my sister early this morning as well. I also did a load of artwork during the day. The dishes did not get done though. I will show you all what I was up to today, tomorrow night or Tuesday. I haven't scanned them yet as a few of them are still drying. I made nine Chunky pages and one ATC. All things that are due or were due weeks ago. I still have those cats to paint though. I got busy with trees and didn't get to the cats.
It is almost time I head to bed. I've been awake since 5 this morning and it is now after 1 a.m.
I'm sharing some old artwork with you all. I hope my memory is serving me correctly this evening and I have not shown you all any of these already.
This is an ink drawing done with fine point sharpie marker on slick cardstock. I forget where it went... New York state I think, but don't hold me that cause I very well could be totally wrong!
This is a failed photograph with the saying written on it with sharpie marker. I've no idea where this one went either and I won't even take a stab at guessing!
This is an acrylic painting on sandpaper. Surprisingly sandpaper is quite easy to paint on and it gives a wonderful texture! I've done a few paintings on sandpaper since this first attempt. I've no clue where it went either. I keep drawing a blank on the destinations these ATCs ended up at.

22 November 2008
Cleaning, Rearrangements and Blood Letting
The file cabinets really need to be cleaned out and reorganized as well. Especially the green one. It is all wasted space at the time being! The dresser with six large drawers needs to be organized in four of those drawers. I've really little clue as what those drawers house except for the one with ribbons and fibers in it and the one that houses the bubble envelopes. Bunch of useful junk in the rest of the drawers though that need to find a permanent home in this deskroom! We won't talk about the shelf by my computer... it's a MESS! I'm sick of cleaning though and I'm taking a break for the time being.
It's good to be able to see the floor! Wow! That carpet is really green! :) I haven't seen this much of the carpet in this room since the day I moved everything into this room over three years ago! I really can't believe how much ROOM is now available in my deskroom! Should have rearranged this mess ages ago! Thanks to Ronnie and Devin for moving all the big stuff for me. I couldn't have done it alone!
And now that the deskroom is taking good shape, I better get busy and get those cat portraits done along with the chunky pages due for a swap and the little books due for another swap and and and....I have lots of work to do! First thing on my agenda though is to get the Star Trek chunky page done that someone has been waiting on for weeks. I'll finish putting everything away a bit at a time. Someone needs to clean this desk off too. I think things live on this desk and carry things away in the night...day...I'm awake in the night...I'd catch them running off with things during the night. Must be daylight when the beasties come out! I'm only kidding there you know! This desk is a bigger mess than the shelf that sits beside it though. Feels good to have an organized spot in which to create again.
What this means for you all is that you'll again be seeing some new artwork in the near future! And yes, I CAN hear you all sayin' "Oh Yeah!" LOL I'm stoked. Can you tell? It's been far too long since artwork was accomplished in this room and I am ready to get going with it again! Does anyone know what happened to my water bowl for painting though? It seems to have been lost in the abyss and even though the abyss isn't quite so deep as it was the day before yesterday, that bowl has not appeared! I'm not even sure why it isn't on the painting table? I don't paint anywhere but there and that bowl's nowhere to be seen.
I must clean off the shelf in the closet as well. I've no idea what is on the south end of that shelf as I haven't seen any of that stuff for over three years. I doubt most of it will remain cause I have not missed any of it in more than three years. I'm figuring none of that stuff is real important!
Well now that I have cleaned out that shelf in the closet....I can't believe I hadn't missed some of that stuff! I didn't do away with any of it, just put in different spots with like items.
And while I was cleaning out that box I found some wooden embroidery hoops that I wanted to hang from a hook on the filing cabinet but the hook was too long and the hoops wouldn't fit on it without some surgery to the hook. I took it to the kitchen where my pliers were located and promptly cut a good sized hole in my left thumb and another good sized hole on the underside of my right index finger, both at the same time! I've used that pair of pliers a hundred times with no injuries! I'm now injured! I did stop the flow of blood which was quit large for the size of holes in my hands, but now I have pain. :( But it ain't like I don't live with pain 24/7 so I know I will survive and I'm quite certain my thumb and finger will fine in a few days time. Two for the price of one and I didn't get that magnetic hook to work for the hoops afterall. That plastic hook was tougher than I first thought!
Well, I've yakked at you all long enough for one post... oh the trials and tribulations! LOL Thanks for hearing me out... that is if you've hung around long enough to get this far. And if you didn't, well, you missed out on the laughs. I hope you all are getting a laugh from this rambling!
I can tell you I have confused the hell out of that silly Fred dog for the last few hours, running all over the house, fetching things from the spare room and taking other things there from the deskroom. He would get comfy on the floor of the deskroom and I'd suddenly run off to another part of the house and being the follower that he is, he'd have to get up and go with me. I've tuckered the poor fellow out! He's now asleep on my bed and has given up on me for the morning! He's going to be kicked out of that bed soon though cause I will myself be getting in it and he's not allowed to sleep on the bed while I'm in it!
Sooooooo..... Here's hoping you have a happy, productive Saturday regardless what your plans are! Be good to one another!
Things I Have Done
I HAVE . . .
*1. Started my own blog
*2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
*5. Watched a meteor shower
*6. Given more than I can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world
8. Climbed a mountain
*9. Held a praying mantis
*10. Sung a solo (it was in the shower :) but a solo nonetheless!)
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
*14. Taught myself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
*16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
*18. Grown my own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept on an overnight train
*21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitchhiked
*23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
*24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
*26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
*30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of my ancestors
*35. Seen an Amish community
36. Taught myself a new language
*37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
*41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
*46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had my portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
*52. Kissed in the rain
*53. Played in the mud
*54. Gone to a drive-in theater
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
*63. Got flowers for no reason
*64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
*67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
*69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
*71. Eaten Caviar
*72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
*78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had my picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
*87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
*88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
*91. Met someone famous
*92. Joined a book club
*93. Lost a loved one
*94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
*97. Been involved in a law suit
*98. Owned a cell phone
*99. Been stung by a bee
100. Ridden an elephant
That's all for the time being. I might be back later with another post. If not, then you all know the drill! :) Be good to one another an lend a helping hand where a helping hand is needed!
20 November 2008
Thursday Again...
I was born and raised in Hutchinson for the first six years of my life and then moved back again when I was 14. My sister, Jeanny and her family still live there and I visit whenever I can. It is the best big city in the state of Kansas if you ask me.
I don't have any art to show you all today cause the deskroom is still in disarray. I was all gung-ho this morning to get it back together again but the vaccuum sweeper and the electrical outlet in the deskroom refused to get along and kept blowing the breaker so I gave up on that endeavor before I got so fustrated I wanted to throw the vaccuum out the front door. I didn't throw the vaccuum out the front door though, it's sitting over there in the closet waiting patiently to be put to good use. That is on my agenda for later. I have to go with plan B though cause I'm not fighting with that stupid machine tonight. I refuse! Wish me luck with plan B cause I haven't formulated a plan C yet. Plan A sure didn't work out!
I made the 'bones' of three more paper bowls. One this morning. I still have four more to go. I gotta get busy on that endeavor cause Christmas is going to be here before we know it and I want to have them all done long before that day arrives!
Nothing new on the home front so this is going to be a short entry. I'll leave you with a poem for now and wish you all a happy Friday!
The Old Man Next Door
The house had been in need of
a coat of paint for many years,
the man inside in need of a
woman's touch for many more.
An old man living alone in the confines
of an old house with weathering boards and
his heart weathering more rapidly then his house.
He went away one summer's dawn.
The house now sits lonely on the side of the road,
filled to the brim with things he collected
to fill up the emptiness he felt in his soul.
He looked all around and love was not found.
Honeysuckle vines climb the façade
where the front door is hidden from view.
There inside you'll find lonely old walls
adorned with lonely old photos of those he once knew.
His children, grown now, came to collect his
personal belongings the other afternoon.
They loaded up furniture, boxes and things
into the back of an old Chevy truck and drove away.
The house seems abandoned just like that old man.
And the weathered old house sits aging day after day
with no one tending the honeysuckle vine,
no one even taking notice of the life once lived inside.
The yard is over grown with wild catnip and
weeds of all kinds, reminding me of what once belonged.
I drive by there every single day and I wonder
what kind of people would abandon an old man.
He had grown quite deaf in his aging life and
he hollered when he talked, if he talked at all.
He was an auctioneer in his younger days and
all those things came about from the way he made his living.
Like the house itself, the things inside are of ancient times gone by.
When his children had taken what they deemed to be the best,
the old auctioneer's things
were put on the block to see what they would fetch.
Seems quite terrible to me that the things he held dear,
to his children, were a means to farther their riches,
to enlighten their senses and make light of
what the old man stood for in his life.
He lived in that old house with the leaky roof,
the seven out buildings and not a soul to share it all with
for as many years as I can remember.
He simply lived all alone.
His children appeared only after he'd died.
I didn't know he even had anyone in his life.
They buried him in the cemetery on the hill and
now he's gone to meet his wife in the afterlife.
I am in hopes she met him at the gates
and the reunion they shared was so full of grace,
it didn't really matter he lived all alone and
the years gone by were of the waiting kind.
Surely he smiles more everyday
with his love beside him on the hills where they can play.
His children haven't been seen for weeks
and that old house will someday fall in a heap.
I'm uncertain of the date this one was actually written, but sometime in 2006 nonetheless. This old man really did exsist in my world, though I've embellished the facts in this poem. I hope you like.
Be good to one another! Smile at a stanger, lend a helping hand and love yourself as well as your neighbor! I shall yak at you all another day!