I forgot to add this one to the last post. I taught myself how to fold teabags early this week. On Tuesday the 22nd if memory serves me correctly. These two are the only ones I folded. Both are in the same picture.
The silver button holding them to the wall in my hallway is a metal chair slide with a killer point on the other side. The bottom medallion is folded from 3 inch squares made of the insides of pink security envelopes. The medallion measures 4 1/2 inches from point to point.
The green medallion is made from green tea bag covers. That tea smelled wonderful! Which in turn left the tea bag covers smelling divine as well! This medallion is just under 3 inches from point to point. It started out with 2 inch squares cut from the tea bag covers. I think these are the backsides of the covers, no picture, just words on it. Nice contrast with the green and white though.
I really like this color of green!
I really like this color of green!
You'll be seeing more tea bag folding medallions in the future! Count on it!
Very easy to make!
I like dead appliances for two reasons: 1.) The supply a myraid assortment of components to make art with and 2.) if an appliance dies, that means someone might be getting a new one!
The first three of these art dolls were made with components from a vaccuum sweeper, a travel iron and a coffeemaker.
These are the Defunct Robots. I really haven't come up with a name to call the series of these little guys. They do need a name though. I will call them this for the time being, abbreviating it to Dr. Sounds like doctor. Each little guy has it's own name. It was adifferentstory's idea to give them all names. I like that idea!
My brother tore apart the small appliances for me. He likes tearing stuff apart, this was right up his alley! He wasn't quite sure I was in my right mind wanting to keep some of the stuff I kept from those dead appliances, but he humored me and look what I made from trash!
Dr. Irona Coffee
26 February 2010
Art Doll
She's made from various components gotten from dead small appliances. She stands just under 3 inches tall and stands all on her own. There are a total of 8 pieces to her. Copper wire from vaccuum sweeper motor hold her shoulders and head together. Her shoulders came from the dead coffeemaker as did her arms, which are a length of insulated wire a connector at either end. I'm uncertain about which appliance coughed up the body for this one. It is all one piece. Her head came from a travel iron as did her screw eyes. Her mouth is a piece from a wrist watch. She is glued together to connect shoulders and lower half and her facial features are glued on as well.
Dr. Louis Pale
26 February 2010
Art Doll
Louis is made from salvaged copper wire, a wooden bead, doodads from broken appliances, bone beads for his feet and connectors for his hands. He stands 5 1/2 inches tall. He is designed to hang.
Dr. Ian Knifenose
26 February 2010
Art Doll
Ian is made from salvaged copper wire, a connector of some sort makes up his belly, his shoulders the unknown workings of a travel iron. His feet were originally a pair of earrings and his hands are a lock washer and regular metal washer. Ian stands right at 6 inches tall. He is designed to hang.

Barb Lightbud
Bottle Cap Kid
26 February 2010
Barb is a tall, lean girl with great curves. Her head is a wooden bead secured to a metal bottle cap with salvaged copper wire. Her arms are attached with gold colored metal jumprings. Connecting her bosom and hips are two gold colored jump rings. Another bottle cap makes up her full hips attached to skinny little legs of salvaged copper wire. One of her feet is pointing backwards but it can be turned around. Pose her anyway you like. Her arms and legs are bendable. She is designed to hang.
Bradley Kelly
Bottle Cap Kid
27 February 2010
Bradley seems a bit underdressed to me. He's a short kid with a pot belly, small head, too long, skinny arms and skinny legs. He's made from a Coors Beer metal bottle cap, salvaged copper wire a wooden bead from a long gone beaded seat cover. In fact, all the Bottle Cap Kids' heads are made from that same beaded seat cover. I have enough of those wooden beads to last twelve lifetimes! This guy is just over 4 inches tall. He is designed to hang.
Bottle Cap Kid
27 February 2010
art doll
Vickie, as she prefers to be called, is made from a Budweiser metal bottle cap, salvaged copper wire and a wooden bead. She stands about 7 1/2 inches. She is designed to hand. She is traded and on her way to Canada in the morning. Guess I'm collecting art dolls now, cause I traded her for another art doll.
BJ Boozer
Bottle Cap Kid
27 February 2010
art doll
BJ is made from a Bartles and James winecooler metal bottle cap. His arms, leg and neck are salvaged copper wire and his head is a wooden bead. BJ stands just over 4 inches tall. He is designed to hang.
Bottle Cap Kid
27 February 2010
art doll
Judith stands right at 4 inches tall and is made from a Bud Light metal bottle cap. Her arms, legs and neck are salvaged copper wire and her head is a wooden bead. She is designed to hang.
Leroy Wow
Bottle Cap Kid
27 February 2010
art doll
Leroy got his start with Coca Cola. His red plastic belly is adorned with his joy to be here! Wow! His legs are hemp twine braided with thin copper wire to secure his fingers and toes. His wooden bead head is attached with salvaged copper wire. He stands a little over 5 inches. He is designed to hang.
Bottle Cap Kid
27 February 2010
Ned is a bit wonky. He is made from a metal screw cap from a small bottle of cheap wine. His legs are heavy guage salvaged copper wire. His wooden bead head is attached with salvaged copper wire. Inside his belly are watch gears and an amythyst cut crystal. He's a bit wonky cause as you can clearly see his legs are not in the right place! He's also got an extra hole in him cause I put his head in one of his leg holes! He's gonna hang out in my van for awhile, hanging from the rear view mirror. The fish needs a new buddy.
Earlier today I went to my brother's workshop to raid the little cases of drawers full of all kinds of little doodads. He has seven of those little cases with all those little drawers. I only went through one of the chests this afternoon. I snagged a whole handful of little connectors, fuses, nuts, bolts, screws and things I have no name for!
Allison Eileen
Bottle Cap Kid
28 February 2010
art doll
Allison Eileen is the kind of girl who loves Christmas and thinks fancy knee pads are in this season. She's a hip chick with her cotter pin arms, her wooden bead head and that giant plastic gem glued to her Minute Maid cap belly. Her arms are attached with gold colored metal jump rings. Her little head is attached with salvaged copper wire as are her legs down to those fancy knee pads that used to be in a necklace. Her blue light bulb feet are attached with fine wire salvaged from an electric fan motor. She stands a little over six inches tall. She is designed to hang.
Bottle Cap Kid
28 February 2010
art doll
Corny is made from a Miller Light Beer metal bottle cap. He's ready for some sailing with his little white plastic connector sailor hat. His hands are connectors of some sort and his legs are long screws. All his parts are attached with salvaged copper wire. He is about 5 1/2 inches tall. He is designed to hang.
Bottle Cap Kid
28 February 2010
art doll
Ramona is dressed for a night on the town! Attached to her green plastic soda bottle cap is a silver metal starburst that used to hold a plastic cabachon and was attached to a brooch. On top of the starburst is a dead button battery and on top of that is a black onyx stone. Her arms and legs are braided hemp twine secured with salvaged fine copper wire. Her head is a wooden bead. She is right at 5 inches tall. She is designed to hang.
Time to get back to the ATART (All Types of Art-a-thon).
Be good to one another and don't forget to collect those hugs due you!