28 February 2012

Another Monster, A Polish Star and the Start of 2 New Projects

Hello Readers!
Another day, another project or two....

I told you all a flamingo was gonna fly in yesterday. Don't think it flew though....it hasn't any wings yet.

Not sure if it will ever be a flamingo, but there's the beginnings of it! 
We shall see what transpires with this armature over the next few weeks. 
Stay tuned!

Monsters seem to be on my artistic radar these days.
Another orange one!
I will have used up all this orange fabric soon!
This monster is about 8 inches tall. His blue eyes are felt and the whites are from the collar of the dark orange polo shirt. Sewed with crewel embroidery thread.

And of course, another Polish Star materialized out of the circles already cut.
This one is predominately from the pages of a citrus fruit catalog.
This one is a small one. 2.5 inches or so.

I didn't take a picture of it, but I made a ball of chipboard twine yesterday out of a cereal box. I tried to crochet it this afternoon. That endeavor seems an impossibility though so I'm not sure what I'll do with my ball of chipboard twine. Maybe weaving it is the route to go? Crocheting it is not.

Another orange monster in the making!
You all will see this one completed in the next post! 
And I colored in the beetle drawing you all saw a bit of in the last post with the paper bag book.
I've turned this into a bookmark. The backside is decorated with drawings and a quote:
Sam Llewelyn

I have no idea who Sam Llewelyn is but I like the quote!

Not much else happening in my world these days, other than making useless stuff!
Be good to one another!
It matters!

27 February 2012

An Orange Monster, Polish Stars and Love Is In The Air

Happy Monday!

I made more polish stars (like that would be a big surprise!), I made another monster and I've drawn an ATC since the last post. 
Never a dull moment!
Wish that were true....that never a dull moment business but it isn't true cause some times, I am bored out of my gourd! You wouldn't think that could be what with all the things I make, but boredom does set in! I'm bored of the choices of programs to watch on my computer. 
I haven't owned a TV in almost seven years and I've no plans to acquire one so the PC is the only means of entertainment of an electronic sort at my house. 
Guess I'll just have to explore some other sites besides PBS and hulu to watch programs on the PC.

I was surfing the web the other day and ran across a clip art site that provided inspiration for this ATC.

Love Is In The Air
markers on cardstock
The clip art was just a black and white line drawing.

As I promised, there are more polish stars.
I'm not done making them yet so expect more of them in the coming days.
I cut circles the day before yesterday so I'm primed to make more of these. I like that they are portable and I can cart them around from one room to the next or even take them with me if I happen to go somewhere. 

I made seven of them.

There are two of these burgundy flowered ones. Only one picture though cause I didn't fetch two pictures. And a terrible picture it is! 
This is the end of this particular wrapping paper so there will be no more of this kind.

Red foil wrapping paper Polish Star
Still have a whole roll of this paper so it's highly likely there will be more of this paper turned into Polish Stars!

Helena's wrapping paper Polish Star
I'm out of this paper as well, so this is the end of these too.

Shades of orange Polish Star
This is a small one. Paper came from a Packaging Today magazine and Recycling Today magazine. I think there may be at least one round in there that came from a citrus fruit catalog too.

Shades of Orange Polish Star
Another small one. The paper comes from Bride's Guide magazine, Packaging Today and Recycling Today magazines.

Red and White Polish Star
Another small one.
The paper comes from Recycling Today Magazine.

I am apparently on an 'orange kick' cause I've cut enough circles from shades of orange magazine paper to make at least six or seven of them! That citrus fruit catalog provided MANY circles of lovely oranges! 

When I woke up yesterday morning I had a hankering to do some sewing. This orange monster appeared after an hour or so of cutting, sewing and stuffing. I rather like him with his red eyes! 

He's about 8 inches tall, made from an orange acrylic sweater for his body, an orange t-shirt for his horns, the collar from that orange t-shirt (guess you'd call that a  polo shirt, not a t-shirt?) for the white part of his eyes and the red part is from a red fleece shirt. And he's filled with fiberfil, sewn with orange crewel embroidery yarn.
I do not know how to do crewel embroidery. I got a sack full of crewel embroidery yarn for less than a song a few years ago and I'm slowly using it up on these monsters and some of the dotee dolls made last year. You all might see a few dotee dolls in the next few posts. I don't really need to make dotees, I've got close to  2 dozen of them done right now but they're easy to make, they're fun to design and making them soothes the sewing bug! 

I took this picture of Billy earlier today as he sat on the desk in the livingroom (where he isn't supposed to sit). My sister gave me a round wooden disk that she wants a cat painted on. I'm thinking Billy Boy may be getting his portrait painted in the next few days! He usually has his pretty gold eyes closed when he gets his picture taken. I fooled him this time though. The flash wasn't on!
He has certainly turned into a handsome fella! When my youngest son brought Billy home about seven years ago, he was but a bag of bones and on his last leg! Bill's a standoffish kind of cat, likes most folks but doesn't want a thing to do with me unless his food bowl is empty or I'm naked, fresh out of the shower! He does sleep at the foot of my bed every night though so I know he likes me anyway. 

I think a flamingo is going to fly in this afternoon. I'll let you all know how that works out!
Be good to one another!
It matters!

25 February 2012

The Beginnings of One, The Continuance of Another

Hello People!
Thanks for stopping by!

I started another project day before yesterday. Like I needed to start another project....but that's a whole other story I'm not willing to share today! (I have so many projects started it ain't even funny!)
This project is nowhere done! 
I wish I had taken picture of the process but I always remember I wanted to take pictures after the fact and by then it's a bit late! 
This is a paper bag book made with plain old brown paper bags you get at the store!
The cover is a piece of plain brown chipboard that came from packaging of some sort. It's about the same weight as cereal box chipboard, but it has no graphics at all on it. Pristine brown is what we got! 
It's all held together with runner tape. Elmer's Tape Runner is what it says on the dispenser.
That is some expensive adhesive! I don't recommend it if you're bent on making a very big paper bag book.
Mine has only 8 paper bags in it. I used a roll and a half of runner tape on it!

All of the drawings in the book will be done on orchard paper and then glue sticked in.
Black sharpie will be the drawing instrument of choice!
I may add a bit of color to the inserts going into the pockets in the book,
but the drawings will all be just black like these two are.

The book is constructed so the paper bags are taped/glued together back to back after you've folded them in half from top to bottom. 

Here's another pc of that chipboard the covers are made from with a beetle drawn on it. I'll add some danglies to it to make it a bookmark. It will get some color...maybe some sequins! ...not sure yet.
Each paper bag in the book gives you one pocket to house whatever you fancy to put in it.
I'm leaning towards at least a couple of bookmarks, some colored drawings on chipboard like the covers, and I don't know what all....
This is a work in progress!

I was surfing the web the other day and came across a fabric bowl made from denim. 
It was a very cool bowl! 
I didn't however, have any denim in my fabric stash.

So, I made mine out of orange sweater material and an orange t-shirt with a cool weave.

The two rounds of fabric are sewn together with dark blue crewel embroidery thread then put over a form after being saturated with fabric stiffener. I used something called Doily Fast for stiffening crochet work. 
My bowl is about 5 inches across and 3 inches deep. I used a salad plate for a round template and sour cream container for a form to put the bowl over as it dried.
This bowl isn't overly stiff though and I really need to give it a coat of plain old Elmer's School Glue to give it a bit more stiffness.

And as the title of this post suggests:
Polish Stars are still being made.
I cut out quite a few more circles yesterday so expect to see a few Polish Stars in posts often!

I was running out of room in the storage box for these things so I made them their own box. 
And now that I've made MORE of them, I'll be having to make them another box!
This one is 8.5 inches square. Chipboard from packaging of one sort or another simply scotched tape together. I will make a lid for this box soon. It won't hold anymore Polish Stars!
There are 27 of them in the box and 6 more already made! 
Another box is imminent!

This is a pile of stars I made yesterday. (along with the mess I call the sewing table.)

I couldn't get a good picture of this one to save my soul.
My camera hates certain colors and it did not like the color of this one at all!
It's kind of a flesh color but not really....The paper came from an ad in a fashion magazine for some kind of perfume. In reality, it's a soft, shimmery sepia tone with strong hints of pink in it.

Recycling Today, Country Living and Bride's Guide magazines provided the greens in this one.
Mixing magazine papers does not affect the way the star turns out. But those made with all one kind of paper are usually sturdier. Magazines are comprised of all different weights of paper, not all have the same thing in them.

Shades of Orange
Recycling Today, Brides Guide and Interiors Today Magazines.

Shades of Purple
Recycling Today and Bride's Guide Magazines.
This one cracks me up cause the two magazines used for the paper couldn't be any different from one another! The Recycling Today Magazine is geared toward the business of garbage and Bride's Magazine is geared towards women who have anything but garbage on their minds!

I've shown you the shades of purple one again in this pic to show you how differently the spanish learning text paper polish star is shaped. All the other Polish Stars I've made have 10 rounds of points forming the ball. The white one in this picture has 12. 
You'll be seeing more spanish learning text polish balls. The paper those lessons are printed on is quite sturdy! I'm going to drag out my watercolor paints the next nice day we have and having a painting frenzy of those papers. Has to be a nice day though, cause I'll need room to spread out and lord knows there is no spreading out room in the house! 

A few years ago my Mom gave me a stack of bright orange envelopes designed for greeting cards. I didn't get the greeting cards that went with the orange envelopes. I cut out 20 rounds from 3, might of been 4 envelopes and then stamped a rose in black ink along the edge of each of the rounds before forming the spikes.

These stars are SUPER STURDY!
I have two shades of orange envelopes. I'll probably make a few more of these without the black as well as a few of the other shade of orange envelope.

That's about all I've been up to for the last few days. 
I'm bored stiff with the computer!
I'm bored with that boring book I'm reading.
Guess I'll just have to unbore myself and make something!

I don't know if I've already shared this, but here's a video tutorial to make the Polish Stars.

A few hints:
I use jewelry wire instead of thread to tie them together.
A sequin works wonderfully but if you use jewelry wire, make sure you only put one strand of wire through the sequin hole in the last sequin before you tie it all together or your knot may slip through the hole in the sequin and you'll have to retie the star again with a new piece of wire.
A bead or a small button would work as well as a sequin.
ANY paper will work! The sturdier the paper, the sturdier your finished star!
Any size will work! The smaller the circle, the harder to form the points.
She puts a dab of glue on before forming the point. I smear glue along that top edge after I've formed the point.
To get sharp points without a hole in the end of them, position your pencil a tiny ways under the edge of the center of the segment.
The sharper the pencil, the better your point looks. 

Let me know if you give it a try! I'd love to see your finished Stars!

I found this cool picture on the smart card when I downloaded the pictures of the polish stars.
Lola looks like she's in a whirlwind! 
Happy Bad Photo!!!!

That's all from me today! :)
Be good to one another!
It matters!
Peace, friends!

20 February 2012

Polish Stars

Hello Readers!

I thought I had worked on other things since the last post but it appears as though all that has happened in the last six days is Polish Stars.
I know I've done other things. I started on the snake cane again. It has a coat of purple paint on it at the moment. Need to do something else with it as the purple paint isn't sticking properly.

I wanted to show you all a better picture of Mr. Kitty!
He's sitting on the table in the livingroom in this picture. He is a success!

Fred's only pretending to be asleep.

Well, I've screwed that up, haven't I?
I don't dare go trying to fix moving that first polish star picture back in line with the rest of them. It will disappear and I'll have to go fetch it again if I do! So it stays where it is!

Yes, these first two stars are made from the same paper. This is wrapping paper I've been saving for something good. Wrapping paper is a wonderful paper to use for Polish Stars! It's easy to glue, easy to cut and the perfect weight for folding those tips! AND it comes in many pretty colors!

More wrapping paper stars....

Bad Picture Alert!!!!!
I did make two of these from the same wrapping paper also. This was unused wrapping where the burgundy colored paper in the last one was used wrapping paper. Either works wonderfully!


More wrapping paper...used this time.
You'll see at least one more star made from this colorful pastel paper. Those were actually lovely garden flowers on that paper! 
The patterns on the paper are irrelevant. Can you tell there were flowers, heart shaped balloons or rocking horses on any of these wrapping stars? No. You cannot. It's color you want to concentrate on where the patterns are concerned.

Same goes for magazine paper. Color, not what the pictures are.

Magazine Paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of blue

magazine paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of turquoise

magazine paper 
Bride's Guide Magazine
Another bad picture alert! My flash was doing bad things to these pictures so I turned it off. Should have left it on for this one! This is shades of blue, much like the other two blue ones.

magazine paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of pink

magazine paper
Art In America Magazine
pink and white
This one is smaller than all the other stars in this post. 
I made this one smaller so I could use only one page from the magazine for a star. I really liked that the whole page in the art magazine was pink with very little white on it. I don't recall just what the page looked like before I turned it into a star.
This paper is different from the Bride's Guide magazine paper. 
Most every magazine has slightly different paper in it. The higher end the magazine, the thicker the paper. 

magazine paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of pink

magazine paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of purple
Those spikes that don't look purple, really are closer to the other shades than they look on my monitor. I think the camera did something to the true colors.

magazine paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of turquoise
most of this star is made from an ad for weight loss

magazine paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of blue and green

magazine paper
Bride's Guide Magazine
shades of white wedding dresses
This one is much prettier in hand. The camera did it no justice! 

magazine paper
Recycling Today Magazine
shades of yellow
This is my favorite star from this post! All that yellow! LOVE it!

orchard paper

wrapping paper
red foil-unused

wrapping paper
rocking horses
this paper is the thickest paper used on any of these.

Not all wrapping papers are not created equal.

I have rounds cut for a few more stars but I'm going to have to give up making stars for the time being as I've ran out of jewelry wire. 
I need to find a different method for holding the stars together. I think the sequins have to go! The hole in the center of them is a bit large and the wire sometimes doesn't hold because the knot tied goes through the hole in the sequin and the whole shebang comes loosened. Thankfully, that's not the end of the star. It just needs to be tied back together again. 

I don't know what the next project will be. 
You'll know as soon as it is done! 
Whatever it might be!
Be good to one another!
