18 September 2009

pictures as promised

Annabel is now a little over a month old. Isn't she just precious?
Onward to art!
Blue Starfish - ATC

Teasing the Eel - ATC

Salon - ATC

Pepper - ATC

Calico in Pink - ATC

Peace Monster - ATC

Martini Moments - ATC

Lava Flow #27 - ATC

It Points to the Stars - ATC

Goldfish - ATC

From Out of the Past - ATC

Dawn - ATC

Caterpillar - ATC

Bluebird - ATC

An Audience of Toes - ATC

I have lost track of the numbers on the inchies. Sorta. According to the numbers, I am up to somewhere around 600 +.
Just enjoy the inchies this go round and I'll try to figure out just how many of them have been done thus far! Check on the ticker up at the left hand corner to know the true number of inchies thus far created this year.

All of these inchies are mine.

Go get your hugs! You know you need them! :)

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