Surfing Rat ATC This is the third surfing rat ATC I have done. Each of them uses the same image but with hand drawn backgrounds so each is different, though similar. This one has acrylic glaze and clear glitter all over the background to make it look like there is water spraying all over the rat. I like the way this one turned out. It has been traded.
This one wasn't quite dry when I took its picture. Collage of craft sand, paper cutouts and toothpicks all attached to chipboard painted in acrylics. This one is still up for grabs as of today.
I made five of these sailboats. All of them look pretty much alike. I was going to send them for the Water Theme Original Art Swap over at but I decided to do acrylic paintings on sandpaper for that swap instead. I traded one of these and sent another to a friend in California as a surprise. There are still three up for grabs as of today.
I wish I could say these guys were my own idea, but I can't do that. I looked at a drawing to do these guys in sharpies on posterboard. There are two of these out in the world. Neither of them look like the original so much. And the two I did do not look at all alike as the cats are different colors and so are their attire.
This is a collage of flowers that my sister sent to me in the mail. The flowers were made with a punch, three different sizes of flowers. The orange cardboard came from the packaging of a toy truck.
Not sure how this orange font is going to look but we're going with it anyway.
I haven't posted for awhile because my computer is still sitting on the floor of the livingroom after its trip to the pc doctor to get fixed. Yes, that was months ago! I am using my son's pc at the moment, but that is subject to change real soon as he and his girlfriend have moved into their own house.
My contest is now defunct. I traded the cards I had offered because not a single person told me a summer story! Perhaps I'll do another contest at another time.
I've been quite busy with artwork here of late.
The chunky fish book is AWESOME!!!!! Twenty pages of delight!
I've been involved in two other chunky books since the last time I posted here. Neither of those swaps have taken place yet and all the pages for them are NOT finished yet. First is the Zodiac Chunky Book. I am doing 12 pages for the sign of Taurus. I am a Bull! I'm waiting on some images to arrive in the mail from my sister. She's sending me some earth pictures. I'll show you some of those pages as soon as they are finished. Second is the Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet Chunky Pages Swap. These won't be bound into a book like the Zodiac Swap. I have eight pages to do. I decided to do eight pages so I can have enough to bind the book myself when I get the returns in the middle of October. I've yet to even start on those pages. I do have a lot materials I need to accomplish that all gathered and ready when I finish up the Taurus pages.
My scanner has died in the months since I last posted also. How the three in one can still work without the scanner is beyond me. The scanner software went whacko but the printer and copy machine work great! Go figure! I have a scanner coming in the mail. It was offered and I was in need. All I have to do is pay the cost of shipping it to me. That's a grand total of 15 bucks! Can't beat a deal like that! It will come at the perfect time too as I'll be trading out my son's pc for my own and the scanner can be hooked up when that trade takes place.
I have quite a few projects on the books that need to be completed. I kind of over extended myself there for a bit. I'm slowly getting caught up though and those waiting on art from me should be getting it soon.
My friend, Bob asked me to design a logo for his new band. They call themselves Ledsled. I did the logo in Gothic style lettering in my own design. I gave it to him over a week ago. He said he hasn't had a chance to show it to either Rayford or Cory so we don't know yet what they think of the logo. I'll show it to you all when the scanner is up and running. I was very pleased he asked me to take on that task. Cory is an amazing artist himself and I'm hoping he won't be upset that I was asked to do it instead of him. I hope all three of them are in agreement and like the logo. Bob liked it right fine, but he's a bit more prejudiced than Rayford will be. Cory will like it, I've no doubt about that even though he may be put out that he wasn't asked to do the lettering for the logo... but he'll be alright with it, I think.
I've chewed on yours ears enough for one day!
Go collect all the hugs you can find today! Smile at a stranger today! Tell your loved ones you love them today!
Have a beautiful day!
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