29 August 2011

An Invasion of Spiders and Other Things to Talk About

hello Everyone!
I don't know if you can call this art. It's  more craft to me, but whatever.....my muse is still working overtime!
Spiders have invaded the studio!

These are not my spiders. This is the picture that taught me how to make spiders my way.
I do rather like these legs.
If I knew where I snagged this picture from on the www so very long ago, I would gladly send you in that direction but I haven't a clue where these spiders came from! If the picture is yours, please do claim it! And thanks for the inspiration!
We started out with a colored light bulb from a garland of old christmas lights one would put outside. I have a five gallon bucket full of them! There are probably red ones in that bucket too. It was too dark out to go out to the burnt house to fetch more bulbs once I'd used the only ones I brought in the house with me. I floundered around in the dark out there and only found the five gallon bucket full of giant wooden eating utensils. (That's a whole other story!)
I got out the copper wire and got busy figuring out how to put some legs on the bulbs and the copper wire legged spiders were born. 

Then this afternoon someone asked if perhaps pipe cleaners would work as well. I didn't know so I made one to see if it would work. It works great! Would look a lot better if the pipe cleaners were black, but you work with what you got and purple was the only color of pipe cleaner I had enough of to make eight legs. 
I just free-handed the designs on their rear ends with the tip of the paint bottle.

They prettied their spiders up with what appears to be acrylic ink, paint marker? I used dimensional paint on my spiders to give them some character.

I gave the white spider some aquamarine eyes but I took those eyes off after the photo shoot cause they look stupid on! Spiders have at least SIX eyes, not 2 and I've decided that these spiders are just gonna be blind and have NO EYES whatsoever!
(I've made blind teddy bears in the past so this isn't a new concept for me. No eyes is perfectly acceptable in my books.)

I am going to  play around with their legs. I think I can find a better way to make the legs than twisting two copper wires together. I think one wire, if of a stout enough gauge, will work great. Twisting those wires together is not fun! And it makes the process of putting one together take a bit of time. The pipe cleaner legs went on in like two minutes! I worked better than ten minutes putting those copper legs on. Yes. I'm going to tweak some legs!

I also made these little notebooks since the last post. Forty of the little devils. I used up the remnants of paper left over from making larger books. These are 2 x 2 inches square with animal print cardstock covers in various colors and designs. They're sewn with white crochet cotton thread. They have various types of paper for their pages; blue parchment stationary, manilla drawing paper, white copy paper and orchard paper. They contain from 10-14 pages.

There's a fish and a snake that have yet to have their pictures taken. More sewing involved in those ventures. I introduced  you to the fish sometime back. A big brown, naked fish. He's no longer naked! 
You'll see them next time!

I really don't have a heck of a lot to talk about....Kinda ho hum in my neck of the woods today.
Ho hum isn't always a bad thing.... 
You all be good to each other! 
It matters!

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